Campbells Prime Meat Ltd
QP16 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
The Modern Slavery Act of 2015 requires certain businesses to provide disclosure concerning their efforts, if any, to address the issues of slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. The disclosures are intended to provide clients with the ability to make better, more informed choices about the company which they support.
Campbells Prime Meat Ltd is committed to maintain and improving systems and processes to avoid complicity in human rights violations related to our own operations and that of our supply chain. Campbells Prime Meat Ltd recognises that slavery and human trafficking can occur in many forms. Therefore, throughout this disclosure we use the terms “slavery and human trafficking” to encompass various forms of coerced labour.
Campbells Prime Meat Ltd takes steps to verify, evaluate and address risks of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. The first step in this process is to set clear expectations for our suppliers. “We do not tolerate forced, debt bonded, indentured labour practices or human trafficking. Campbells Prime Meat Ltd does not allow harsh or inhumane treatment, including corporal punishment or the threat of corporal punishment. We expect our suppliers and others to meet these expectations”, also that “forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labour, involuntary prison labour, slavery or trafficking of persons shall not be used”.
We endeavour to notify our suppliers of their obligation to comply with The Modern Slavery Act, where applicable. Our verification process involves an assessment of our suppliers, who are required to confirm (where applicable) compliance to the requirements of the Act.
We view assessments and audits as parts of our overall supply chain management process. They help us identify compliance gaps where immediate action is needed, and root causes that enable development of systemic solutions and improvements.
Through our procedures we seek to promote honest and ethical conduct, deter wrongdoing and support compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to but not limited to slavery, human trafficking, conflicts of interest, and non-discrimination, antitrust, anti-bribery, and anti-corruption and protecting our company’s reputation.
Our procedures direct employees to consider short-term and long-term impacts on human rights and the community when making business decisions, and to report potential issues as soon as they are identified.
We encourage anyone (including employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and clients) to report in good faith any issues or concerns about potential ethics, human rights, legal or regulatory violations, including improper or unethical business practices such as fraud or bribery.
Christopher Campbell
Managing Director
Review Date: 10th February 2025
Issue No: 8