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Read Campbells Prime Meat have a Winning Website

Campbells Prime Meat have a Winning Website

In 2003 we had launched our website to sell meat, fish and deli products direct to the public. This has proved to be a great success, with customers ordering online from across the UK and Europe.

Much of the website’s success is due to the fact that our meat and fish is of guaranteed Scottish quality provenance, so consumers can order with confidence. Our beef comes from Scottish farms and is matured for at least 21 days then traditionally butchered and delivered fresh. Fish is bought daily from Scottish markets then prepared to order by our on-site fishmongers. Poultry is from quality assured farms, and many birds are free-range.

In 2014 the website was totally revamped to enhance the customer experience – both visually, with mouth-watering photography showing products cooked and beautifully presented, and also technically, so customers can easily search and find what they’re looking for.

Part of the ordering experience is of course, following through with a perfect delivery. This is vitally important when delivering fresh, perishable goods. We have invested a lot of research into the perfect delivery box, so meat and fish are kept chilled to perfection during delivery, then couriered direct to the customer’s doorstep.

“After we upgraded our website last year, we knew we were on to something special as the website business has been growing around 30 per cent month on month. This award acts as a testament that we are on the right path to success and we are honoured to receive it.” – Christopher Campbell, Managing Director


Meat Management Awards 2015

L-R: Sponsor Sophie Malone of Proseal UK, Peter Flockhart Director of Campbells Prime Meat, Tushar Kaul PR Marketing & E-commerce Manager of Campbells Prime Meat and guest speaker Paul Zerdin.


  • The Meat Management Awards are voted for by readers of Meat Management, the UK’s number one monthly magazine for the meat industry.
  • The readership of Meat Management is responsible for spending £billions on raw materials, machinery and equipment, ingredients, transport, packaging and services. Readers include leading meat retailers, butchers, supermarkets, meat processors and manufacturers and industry suppliers.


Best Website Based Business
Winner: Campbells Prime Meat for www.campbellsmeat.com
Sponsor: Proseal

Pipers Farm for www.pipersfarm.com
Sheepdrove Organic Farm for www.sheepdroveshop.com
Donald Russell for www.donaldrussell.com
Farmer’s Choice Free Range for www.farmerschoice.co.uk